Medusa Tales has published stories of transformation by 21 different authors from around the world.
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BronMcD is the pen name of a science fiction writer and weirdo living outside Philadelphia. Not outside, like the suburbs, but outside like a dimensional rift that appeared during the Spectrum demolition. There is a bronmcd.com website where I have more trouble with Drabbles.
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Kailey Alessi has lived in Michigan, Kentucky, and most recently, Idaho. An anthropology graduate student by day, by night she writes disturbing fiction. She can be found online at kaileyalessi.com.
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Robert Bagnall was born in a doubly-landlocked English county when the Royal Navy still issued a rum ration, but now lives by the sea. He is the author of the science-fiction thriller “2084 – The Meschera Bandwidth” and over fifty published short stories, twenty-four of which are collected in the anthology “24 0s & a 2.” Both are available on Amazon. Three of his stories have also appeared in NewCon Press' annual “Best of British Science Fiction” anthologies. He blogs at meschera.blogspot.com and can be contacted there.
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Kevin M. Casin is a gay, Latino fiction writer, and cardiovascular research scientist. His fiction work is featured in If There's Anyone Left, From the Farther Trees, and more. He is Editor-in-Chief of Tree And Stone, an HWA/SFWA/Codex member, and First Reader for Diabolical Plots and Interstellar Flight Press. For more about him, please see his website: https://kevinmcasin.wordpress.com/. Please follow his Twitter: @kevinthedruid.
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Gem Cassia is an aspiring author based in California. In 2020, she self published her first novel, Impediment, on Barnes and Noble. This is her first short story publication in a magazine. She can be found on Twitter at @gem_cassia.
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Eric A. Clayton is the author of the nonfiction book Cannonball Moments. His essays on spirituality, parenting, and pop culture have appeared in America Magazine, NCR, and more, and he is a regular contributor at IgnatianSpirituality.com. His short fiction has been published by Black Hare Press, Erato Magazine, and more. He works in nonprofit communications and lives in Baltimore, MD, with his wife, two daughters, and cat, Sebastian. Follow his writing at ericclaytonwrites.com.
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Ospell would like you to think they are simply an amateur fiction writer with a focus on urban fantasy and magical realism, who spends their free time crafting TTRPG adventures and game hooks that often include elements of transformation. What Ospell would not like you to think about them could fill a whole issue, and we suspect it has something to do with the jar of pickled basilisk eyes on their desk, the gilded glove locked away in a glass cabinet by the wine rack, and most definitely the oddly realistic decor in their garden.
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Kai Delmas loves creating worlds and magic systems and is a slush reader for Apex Magazine. He is a winner of the monthly Apex Microfiction Contest and his fiction can be found in Martian, Tree and Stone, and several Shacklebound anthologies. Find him on Twitter at @KaiDelmas.
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Seluna Drake (she/they) is a southern writer from the US, as well as a teacher, poet, and occasional artist. Her work primarily spans the speculative realm. She identifies as asexual/ace. She is also active on Twitter at @SelunaDrake.
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R.E. Dukalsky writes speculative fiction about memory, change, conflict and what happens afterward. She has been told that she has School House Rock charm and that she would make an excellent rebel leader, among other dubious accolades. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and perpetually needs more bookshelves. You can follow her on Twitter @tiltingwindward.
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Lauren Everdell lives in Gloucestershire, UK. Her work has appeared in several anthologies, as well as Hearth & Coffin, Neon, and The Drabble. When not writing she's usually painting furniture but either way is never without Fable, her chocolate Labrador. You can find Lauren at ubiquitousbooks.com and on Twitter @scrawlauren.
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Eric Fomley's stories have appeared in Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, Galaxy's Edge, and elsewhere. You can read more of his stories on his website ericfomley.com.
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NJ Gallegos is an emergency medicine physician who enjoys writing horror, especially medical horror. She lives with her partner and two cats (possibly one ghost cat). She can be found on Twitter @DrSpooky_ER
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Jameson Grey is originally from England but now lives with his family in western Canada. His work has been published by Dark Recesses Press, Dark Dispatch, and in anthologies from Ghost Orchid Press, Black Hare Press, and Hellbound Books. He can be found online at jameson-grey.com and on Twitter @thejamesongrey.
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Tyler Hackney is a Canadian author from a small town outside of Toronto, Ontario. Growing up, he was fascinated by science fiction, the fantastical, and role-playing games. Because his day job as a Risk Manager provides none of that excitement, he spends some of his evenings and weekends writing science fiction, fantasy, and horror. In his spare time, he is likely watching movies with his partner and/or their two cats.
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Jenna Hanchey is a critical/cultural communication professor by day and a speculative fiction writer by...uhhh...earlier in the day. Her stories appear in Nature: Futures, Daily Science Fiction, Wyngraf, and Martian Magazine, among other venues. Follow her adventures on Twitter at @jennahanchey or at jennahanchey.com.
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Rachel Handley is a fiction writer, poet, and Philosophy academic based in Dublin, Ireland. Their work has been published by The Liminal Review, 365 Tomorrows, Ellipsis Zine, The Madrigal, Dreich, Arlen House, and Full House Literary. They have work forthcoming in Martian Magazine, Ink Drinkers, Bear Creek Gazette, and Sonder Magazine. Their debut collection of short stories, Possible Worlds and Other Stories, will be published by Ellipsis Imprints in September 2022.
Twitter: @_RachelHandley
IG: @_RachelHandley
Website: https://rachelhandleywriting.wordpress.com/
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Neil James Hudson is a UK-based writer who has published around sixty stories and a paranormal romance novel, On Wings of Pity. He lives in the middle of nowhere on the North York moors and works as a charity shop manager in York. When not writing, he is often to be found looking at weird pretentious stuff in art galleries. He can be found on Twitter at @neiljameshudson and on the web at neiljameshudson.net.
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Jessica Joy has stories in several anthologies, including Graduation in 'With Our Eyes Open,' Russian Doll in 'Transforming Being' - Bridge House Publishing, Fracture Clinic in The Rabbit Hole 2 - The Writers Co-op, and Forecourt Flowers in The Tyranny of Bacon - Pure Slush Books.
Jessica has two shorts and a collaborative poem published through Christchurch Canterbury University where she achieved her Creative Writing MA.
She won the Faber Academy QuickFic competition with Peach and was runner-up with Buoyant.
When she's not writing, Jessica enjoys tap dancing and walking her dog, but never at the same time.
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Dawn Judge is a Scottish-born author who has loved the horror genre and has been writing horror stories from a young age. She recently gained an MA in English through the Open University. Her Twitter handle is @pinkflowerdawn for updates on her next writing projects.
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Erin Keating earned her B.A. in creative writing and literature at Roanoke College and her M.A. in history at Drew University, mostly so she could continue to surround herself with old books. She currently works as a grant writer at an arts education nonprofit. When she isn’t reading or writing, she is rock climbing, learning a language, or playing bass guitar. Her fiction can be found in Metaphorosis, Haven Spec, and Luna Station Quarterly. Find her online at erinkeatingwrites.com or on Twitter at @KeatingNotKeats.
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Rae Knowles is a queer woman whose debut novel, The Stradivarius, is coming May 2023 from Brigids Gate Press. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature with a minor in Creative Writing from FGCU. Nine of her short stories have been published or are forthcoming this year. Recent updates on her work can be found at RaeKnowles.com and you can follow her on Twitter at @_Rae_Knowles.
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Julia LaFond is a geoscience/astrobiology PhD candidate at Penn State University, where she regularly attended the Creative Writing Club pre-pandemic. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and gaming. Website: https://jklafondwriter.wordpress.com/
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Anna Madden lives in North Texas, where the prairie reaches long tallgrass fingers toward the woods. Her fiction has appeared in Hexagon SF Magazine, PodCastle, Orion's Belt, and elsewhere. She has an English degree from the University of Missouri—Kansas City. In her free time, she gardens, mountain bikes, and makes stained glass. Follow her on Twitter @anna_madden_ or visit her website at annamadden.com.
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Veronica Malbec lives in the English countryside with her husband and their pet basilisk, Homer. When she’s not writing or avoiding Homer’s petrifying gaze, she dreams of life as an enchantress with a statue garden created from unsuspecting victims.
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Patrick O’Ryan is the Editor-in-Chief of Medusa Tales and an unabashed statuephile with way too many crazy story ideas. When he’s not reading or writing tales of transformation, you’ll probably find him on the ski slopes or a disc golf course somewhere in Idaho.
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Aimee Picchi is a journalist by day and science fiction and fantasy writer by night. Her short fiction has been published in Apex, Podcastle, Flash Fiction Online, and Daily Science Fiction, among other fine publications. In 2021, she was a finalist for the Nebula Award for short stories. She lives in Burlington, Vermont with her family. You can find her online at aimeepicchi.com or on Twitter at @aimeepicchi.
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Marisca Pichette is a creator of monsters and magic. More of her work can be found in Strange Horizons, Fireside Magazine, Fusion Fragment, Apparition Lit, Uncharted Magazine, PseudoPod, and Grimdark Magazine, among others. She lives in Western Massachusetts, collecting fragments.
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Katherine Quevedo was born and raised just outside of Portland, Oregon, where she works as an analyst and lives with her husband and two sons. Her fiction has appeared in Fireside Magazine, Best Indie Speculative Fiction Vol. III and IV, Factor Four Magazine, Triangulation: Habitats, Frost Zone Zine, Wyngraf, and elsewhere. When she isn't writing, she enjoys watching movies, singing, playing old-school video games, belly dancing, and making spreadsheets. Find her at www.katherinequevedo.com.
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Olivia Quinn lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, with her dog and two cats, who mostly get along. She writes by night but spends her days working retail in a large department store. She may be found after hours standing motionless among the mannequins.
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A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. She holds a master of arts in both English and library & information science, moderates two creative writing groups, and has reviewed books for the Florida Library Youth Program. Her work has appeared/is forthcoming in 34 Orchard, Apparition Lit, diet milk, Frozen Wavelets, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Orion’s Belt, Strange Horizons, and others. You can find her on Twitter at @sidellwrites.
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Izzy Varju is a neuroscientist by training who writes queer short stories. Their work has been shortlisted for the Ruritania Prize and appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, From the Farther Trees, Havok, and Metastellar. When not contemplating the mysterious life of the giant squid they serve as an editor for a literary quarterly and have done panels on queer representation and editing at writing conventions. Find them at izzyvarju.wordpress.com.
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Emilia Vazquez lives in La Plata, Argentina, with her partner and a tiny dog named Lobo (wolf). When she's not writing or drawing, she's dreaming up new ways to push the boundaries of art.
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Stella Wamae is a native of Nairobi, Kenya, who enjoys writing speculative fiction stories and, on occasion, poetry. Her work has appeared in Omenana Magazine, Paragraph Planet, and Ekonke.
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