The eyes of Medusa blaze.
Many come for the last of the Gorgons. All will fail. This warrior is no different: he thinks to trick this mythical woman.
Her serpents hiss in rancour. She lets them play with him first, poisoning him, paralysing him. Sword in hand, mirror shield at the ready, he tries to fight it. Terror opens his eyes, and Medusa gazes long, deep into his soul.
A single tear leaks onto his cheek. She watches it calcify, his last expression a frozen rictus of fear.
When the eyes of Medusa blaze, the eyes of Medusa yield stone.
Copyright 2022 Jameson Grey
Photo by Nayani Teixeira on Unsplash
Story notes
“The Eyes of Medusa” grew out of two separate but essentially similar pieces – one a poem, the other a drabble. Indeed, “The eyes of Medusa blaze …” was a line common to both, but ultimately I felt melding elements from each made for a stronger story.
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